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Browse our extensive list of commonly asked questions. From product specific questions, to questions about your account or order. If you do not see it listed here, and think it should, just let us know - We are here to serve you better.

What Is Your Return Policy

You have 45 days if you do not like your product and wish to send it back to us for a refund. You can read our full Return Policy online for more details.

What orders qualify for Free Shipping?

All orders over $49 receive free shipping. Offer is only valid for lower 48 United States (everyone minus Hawaii and Alaska).

Do you have retail locations?

No. A handful of our products are available in select department stores and medical centers. We sell everything through our online site, Amazon and Ebay Stores.

Can I return a product even though it is open?

Yes. Most of our products are considered personal items and by law must be physically destroy and disposed. Any returned that has been opened and used is subject to a 20% disposal fee deducted from their return credit.

I returned my product last week and still do not see a refund on my card?

Please allow 2 business days for the return credit to be issued after your return is received by our warehouse.  Once the credit is issued, it may take 3 -5 business days to appear on your billing statement.

Is my email safe? I do not want my information sold.

Your email is entirely safe with Contour Living.  We do not sell your email or personal information to any third party vendors.  We use your email address to provide important information about your orders such as order confirmation, order tracking and refund status.  During account creation, you have the option to decline any correspondence with Contour Living.

I can not get rid of the ad that is on the right side of my screen!

Simply press the arrow button that appears on its right side to close the advertisement.

What is the Kabooti made from?

The Kabooti Orthopedic Seat Cushion is made from a durable molded polyurethane foam, and comes with a nylon cover in your choice of black, gray, blue or camo.

What are the differences of CPAPMax and the Contour CPAP?

Filling: The filling in the CPAPMax is memory foam on one side, and tradition fiber fill on the other. The Contour CPAP is molded poly foam.

Design: The design of the two are different as well. The CPAPMax sides are completely cut out and the Contour CPAP pillow is just indented. The CPAPMax pillow provides more room for movement with your CPAP mask on.

Size(Height): The Contour CPAP pillow is 4 inches tall. The CPAPMax is 5 inches and has a removable memory foam insert to make it 4 inches.

Can I use FSA cards to purchase this product?

Although some of our products are covered by select insurance carriers, we can not submit claims to your insurance company.  We reccommend contacting your insurance provider for information regarding reimbursement.  Normally you will have to pay for the product, submit your reciept to the insurance comany and they will reimburse you for your purchase amount.

Do any of your products contain latex?

All Contour brand products are Latex Free.  

How do I fold the Foam BackMax to its original position?

Both the left side and right Side fold UNDERNEATH the middle section of the BackMax, which will return it to its original position.