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Mattresses: How Old is Too Old?

Bethaney Wallace on 31st Jul 2013

Anyone who saw the movie Animal House knew what horrors could come from a college mattress. There were parties thrown, motorcycles ridden in the house, and guitars smashed up on a regular basis. Sheets counted as clothing, and hygiene wasn’t exactly top priority. And then these “animals” went and slept in their beds – that is if they hadn’t already used them to surf the stairs or launch at the neighboring rival frat house.

While it’s true that this National Lampoon movie is an extreme, it’s also true that many stick with the same mattress far longer than they should. Through multiple location moves, making the way into adult-hood, and even home ownership, many are still sleeping on their old college mattress. Animal house versions or otherwise.

If you’re still using the model you toted from dorm room to college apartment, it may just be time for a replacement.

Mattress Lifespan

There are several variables that contribute to how long each mattress will last. How often a mattress is used, quality, how many it’s been moved, whether or not a pad or protected barrier was consulted, etc. all contribute to a mattress’s lifespan. A general rule of thumb, however, is the seven-year limit. If a mattress is more than seven years old, it’s time to evaluate just how well it’s holding up each night. However, this time may diminish with age, as older bodies tend to need more padding and support in order to receive the same levels of comfort. A person might experience a chance of mattress preferences as well, opting for a firmer or softer model over time.

When considering the condition of your current model, take these aspects into consideration:

  • Do you wake up with any types of pains, aches, or stiffness? How often?
  • Does your mattress sag or contain lumps? What about permanent body indentions?
  • Does the mattress have other visible signs of wear and tear?
  • Have you slept better while visiting a friend or staying in a hotel?
  • How old is your mattress?
  • What type of condition was the mattress in when you purchased it? How has that condition changed?

Once you’ve had a time to contemplate these questions, you will likely have a much better idea as to whether or not you’re in need of a new model. Simply by taking the time to evaluate your mattress – a task we rarely stop and follow – you can understand as to what type of shape your bed is in.

If it needs replacing, you can start looking and test out different types to find a perfect fit. Or, if you decide your mattress has a few years left, new accessories such as supportive pillows or back wedges can act as the perfect add-on to your current bedroom setup.

Finding a New Fit

When ready to purchase a new mattress, there can be a number of styles and sizes to choose from. Be sure to avoid any gimmicky sales or expensive extras. Remember to find the best bed to fit your needs, whether or not that means a pricey model. Test out different levels of softness, ask the salespersons for any sales or upcoming offers, and don’t rush into a purchase. Besides, you’ve slept on the same mattress for X-number of years; a few more days won’t hurt.

Mattress shops usually offer a fair amount of deals as well. Check for free delivery (and set up), as well as old mattress removal. These perks usually come without an additional charge and can make one’s life much easier.

Whether or not you’re ready to purchase a new mattress, it’s helpful to know what signs to look for in a too-old bed. Look for the telltale signs and be sure to keep an eye out until it’s time to find your next new bed.

Ready to accessorize for maximum comfort? Check out our selection of pillows.