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Contact USPS Customer Service Directly and Talking With A Live Person

Kate on 30th Oct 2013

Last week I had the awesome opportunity to contact USPS as it seemed a customers package was being routed to some other site. So in order to resolve that issue, I needed to contact USPS and see what exactly is going on. If you ever contacted USPS customer service, you know it is no fun task to do.

After pressing button after button as I was dealing with message prompts for what seemed like hours, I called Tech Support and they were able to give me a way to cheat USPS message prompts.

So if you are needing to contact USPS and are wanting to talk to a live person follow these steps.

1. Dial this phone number instead of the one listed on the site, 1-800-275-8777.

Its going to say Thank you for calling usps, blah blah blah, and ask for a language choice.

2. Then it is going to ask you, in a few words explain why you are calling, respond with "customer service".

Dont stop, this is where they get you. its going to ask you another question, to try and defer you from a live person, ALWAYS say "customer service" when the message prompts ask you a question and you will be redirected to their live support. 

Even if they say, "we are experiencing higher volume than normal", still respond with "CUSTOMER SERVICE".

I unfortunately had to learn the hard way, and after about an hour of dealing with message prompts and on hold, I was able to find out the easy way to do this.

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